Wednesday, April 05, 2006


ps3 pricing - $612 to $734 - updated!

Updated! 4/6/06

Sony has stepped in to settle the confusion by not saying anything! next generation reports on the announcement and "clarification" by sony europe.

Here is a quote from the article:

"At no point did he ever refer to a specific price for [the PS3]. He was referring to a 500 dollar price that the interviewer had questioned to him, explaining the relative value of the PS3 console in relation to Blu-ray disc players on the high-end and consoles on the low-end," Sharples said.

The article confirms that pricing will be announced at next months E3 expo in Los Angeles.


Reports are flooding the gaming blogs about a radio interview with the SCE Europe president by radio station Europe 1.

During the interview, George Fornay speculated on the ps3 price range to be available for "around 499-599 (euros)"

That's quite a chunk of change as that converts to about $612 to $734 for Sony's next generation console.

Gamasutra has more.

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