Monday, August 01, 2005


hp and apple no longer bff

looks like apple and hp are severing their ties in regards to hp reselling the ipod.

the article sugggests that apple is cancelling the agreement and hp is responding accordingly while associating the idea with carly, and therefore and idea that is on its way out.

hp claims that the program wasn't as successful as originally hoped for mostly becuase apple was late in providing new products to hp while also providing minimal customization opportunity for hp and its customer base.


next gen sony information interfaces..

ill give a prize to anyone who can figure out what this interface concept is designed for. its pretty impressive, especially when you consider the intuitive nature of the tiled interface..i like the idea that you upgrade your capability with the addition of tiles..not much different than the game/console business model.

big thanks to alvaro for sharing this link.

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