Thursday, May 12, 2005


what a waste of time

so the mtv xbox 360 special is over and all i can say, if i was an advertiser, would be "can i have my money back."

what a waste of time and a waste of marketing opportunity. if microsoft is going to beat sony to the bunch with a pre-e3 announcement, then announce something - dont just confirm online speculation from the gaming community. all microsoft did with this announcement was do the following:

- confirm the leaked photos from the field and the images released through the ourcolong arg
- show footage from perfect dark zero which were already floating around
- show running cinematics and replays from xbox 360 titles
- confirm the name and the logo that was already leaked online
- vaguely mention an online marketplace for changing your online persona or "character" (while shamelessly dropping a plug for ecko)
- confirm wireless controllers

i can understand that there is a reason to hold back information so people will still attend the e3 press conference and not abandon ms in favor of the sony announcement, however, more could have been done with this time as ms had a chance to speak to the gaming audience, not just the gaming business. ms blew the opportunity to get word of mouth (aka m2m) marketing going in every gaming store around the world - 5 days before any confirmed sony announcements.

all i can say is, "can i have my time back"

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