Monday, May 16, 2005


ps3 oh my..

so its official, and to no great surprise, its called the ps3, and ign is all over it with links to everything that was announced earlier today. launch titles that have the message boards buzzing are "devil may cry 4" (capcom), grand theft auto next (rockstar), and tekken (namco). a new metal gear game was also announced but im not sure if its considered a launch title.

in case you want to get right to it and see what it looks like, here it is. there are still no official details on what the official color of the system may be.

joystiq has more photos, including images of the dangerous looking new controller design. the controllers are wireless so its nice to see the nintendo gamecube feature (they were the first console to officially support wireless controllers as a first party) become today's standard as both the ps3 and the xbox 360 support wireless controllers.

engadget offers up these specs:

It will support Blu-ray (obviously), DVD±R/W, CD-R/RW
Backwards compatible with the PlayStation 2 and original Playstation
One 3.2GHz Cell processor—total system performance rated at 2.18 teraflops (uh, that’s actually about twice what Microsoft is claiming the Xbox 360 will do); it will have 256MB system RAM 3.2GHz, and 256MB GDDR VRAM at 700MHz
The nVidia graphics will be called the RSX (”Reality Synthesizer”), and will trump the Xbox 360 with 1080p (yes, that’s a p) graphics support.
There will be a 2.5-inch hard drive (i.e. laptop hard drive) attachment—a first for a Sony launch (no, we don’t count the PSX and/or the FF add-on)
Memory Stick Duo slot, and very surprisingly, an SD and CF slots
Bluetooth support with up to seven wireless controllers
Six USB system ports

still no info on pricing and availability

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