Thursday, November 18, 2004


more absurdity..but i like this one

to coincide with the upcoming nintendo gamecube release of "resident evil 4," game publisher capcom is teaming with nubytech to release a specialized game controller modeled after a chainsaw. apparently, the new videogame prominently features chainsaw based combat.

the past year has brought us a variety of new peripherals to open up the area of pbg (peripheral based gamings) which was always dominated by dance dance revolution and the dance mat peripheral. however, the recent surge in popularity for sony's "eyetoy" camera peripheral is leading developers into believing the gamers want new specialized hardware to enhance the game experience. some of these peripherals are great (such as the eyetoy), but others remains questionable like capcom's samarui sword controller (dubbed the "soul controller") launched earler this year with onimusha 3.

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