Wednesday, November 17, 2004


hurry up and wait to play half life 2

for those of you are living in a cave, valve released half life 2 on tuesday. the long anticipated sequal of one on the best selling first person shooters (for a pc) requires an online authentication check-in in order to unlock the game and allow the user to play. regardless of whether or not you bought the game at retail or through streaming delivery, the game must phone-home to confirm your serial number. while this process is supported by the industry, its turning into a hassle for gamers who want to break open the box and play..if the server is down, or is overloaded, users must hurry up and wait for the server to recognize them and unlock their game.

in mho, why should a great game be any diffferent than a reliable and essential suite of software. perhaps the music industry can learn something from this.

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