Thursday, September 16, 2004


will wifi become pirate radio? for the people?

it was bound to happen and it seems like we will be hearing a lot about the threats of WiMAX to wi-fi as we know it. this article from slate talks about how the long range coverage offered by wi-max will give service conglomerates the opportunity to spread their network over a highly populated area with minimal equipment. with coverage like this, who is going to need wi-fi...simply turn on your computer and you are on. this makes perfect sense if you do not travel a lot for buisness and already have other bundled services from the same provider.

but what does this mean to free wireless internet access? the local coffee shop? the guy who lives above starbucks and decides to offer free service to his network so you dont have to pay for t-mo..well, i suppose that we will still have our movements..the war drivers and the war chalkers...

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